One of the things we love doing at Such & Such is watching short videos about inspiring designers and makers. We enjoy hearing the stories about the people behind the products and learning about the designing and making of their products. We currently feature a couple of great videos on our website, one by Teixidors and the other by Proof Eyewear. We want to feature more videos and we also thought it would be a great idea to do one on Such & Such and within in it, feature one of our favourite designers. So, we had a chat with Reiko Kaneko, a British-Japanese designer and ceramicist pushing the traditional boundaries of the fine dining industry. To film the video we knew we wanted to work with Bread Collective, the fantastic creative agency we worked with to launch Such & Such.
With the team assembled we arranged to get together to make a movie! The setting was to be Reiko’s design studio and the factory where her products are handmade, both of which are in the Potteries district of Stoke-On-Trent. The idea behind the video was to let people know why we started Such & Such and feature a designer and the process behind one of their products.
All the old industrial buildings in the Potteries district made for a great setting and the process of making Reiko’s fine bone china pieces was fascinating. Each piece is required to go through seven or eight different steps and can pass through up to sixteen or seventeen sets of hands on the journey of its creation. We concentrated on the making of one of Reiko’s designs, The Boat.
After a break for some fantastic Staffordshire Oatcakes, we spent time at Reiko’s design studio chatting about the process involved in designing a new piece, which gave us a real appreciation for the time and dedication required to make each design. We also got a chance to watch Reiko put the final touches to her Boat by splicing the rope handle.
Finally, despite initial reluctance, we got in front of the camera to chat about Such & Such. Bread are now in the process of editing the video and we very much look forward to sharing the video with you all as soon as it is ready.
Here are a few more pictures from our day in Stoke.
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