Posted on September 19, 2018 by Alastair Matthews
HUTA was started by Inez Kochanowicz-Watson and her husband, Jack. Together, they design glassware for the home, from glasses and carafes to storage jars and milk jars. Every HUTA design is distinctive and unique, which is particularly difficult in such a crowded category. Jack and Inez work with a small, family-run glassblowing business in the south of Poland to turn their designs into beautiful and functional products. The word HUTA means factory in Polish. More specifically, it’s a factory where material (metal or glass) is melted to be formed into products.
The Huta designs are influenced by everyday life, mixed with inspiration from the things around us that we know and love. The geometric beauty of brutalist architecture. The timeless functionality of traditional storage vessels. The elegant restraint of classic Scandinavian design. Huta's mission is to combine all of their experience and knowledge into honest and unique products that tell a story and excite their customers.
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Posted in Glassware, Huta Glassware
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